Junior English Golf Camp in JAPAN

Elevate Your Game at Japan & Premier Advanced Golf Camp!


Welcome to KI Golf Camp Japan! Enhance your golfing skills at our 4-day advanced camp designed for young golfers aged 10-18. Experience professional coaching, exclusive accommodations, and picturesque landscapes.

歡迎來到 KI 高爾夫日本訓練營!在我們為 10-18 歲年輕高爾夫球手設計的 4 天高級訓練營中 提升你的高爾夫球技。體驗專業教練指導、獨特住宿和如畫風景。

Our 4-day, 3-night golf camp offers an immersive experience at Asagiri Country Club. With personalized coaching and advanced training facilities, this camp is perfect for serious young golfers.

我們的 4 天 3 晚高爾夫訓練營在朝霧鄉村俱樂部舉辦。個人化教練指導、先進的訓練設施, 是嚴肅年輕高爾夫球手的理想選擇。

Camp Features

  • 3 nights accommodation at Asagiri Country Club Resort. 
  • 3 days of 9-hole games at Asagiri Country Club with tuition. 
  • 3 group training sessions. (Maximum 4 participants) 
  • 1-hour individual golf clinic(Biomechanics
  • Usage of training / warm-up area. 


  • 3 晚住宿在朝霧鄉村俱樂部度假村。 
  • 3 天朝霧鄉村俱樂部 9 洞比賽教學。 
  • 3 堂小組訓練 。(每組最多 4 名參加者) 
  • 1 小時個人高爾夫診斷。(人體力學
  • 使用訓練/熱身區域。 


  • Meals: 4 lunches for participants 
  • Accommodation for 1 adult
  • Round-trip transfer between Tokyo and Asagiri Country Club. 


  • 餐點:參加者 4 頓午餐 
  • 1 名陪伴者成人住宿
  •  東京與朝霧鄉村俱樂部之間的往返接送服務。 

Kentaro Ishihara

Receive top-tier instruction from Kentaro Ishihara, a renowned golf coach with an extensive background in both playing and teaching golf at a high level. Kentaro Ishihara is a highly accomplished golf instructor known for his expertise in putting, swing mechanics, and short game. He is certified in "Aimpoint Express" and specializes in custom club fitting, including Edel putters and clubs. Kentaro leverages biomechanics to improve performance and has been featured in various media for his contributions to golf instruction. His personalized coaching has helped numerous golfers enhance their skills.


在訓練營中,您將接受著名高爾夫教練石原健太郎的頂級指導。石原是一位成就卓越的高爾夫 教練,專精於推桿、揮桿技術和短打。他擁有“Aimpoint Express”的認證,並專門從事定制球杆 (包括 Edel 推桿和球杆)的調整。他利用人體力學提升球員表現,並在多家媒體上亮相,分 享他對高爾夫教學的貢獻。他的個性化教學幫助了無數高爾夫球手提高技能。

  •  English-Speaking Japanese Coach: Benefit from the unique combination of traditional Japanese coaching techniques delivered in English, providing a culturally rich and easily understandable learning experience.
  • Proven Track Record: Kentaro has a successful track record of coaching golfers of all levels, helping them to achieve significant improvements in their game. 
  • Personalized Attention: Experience customized coaching tailored to each participant’s skill level and goals, ensuring effective learning and development. 
  • Advanced Training Methods: Learn from a coach who integrates modern training techniques with time-tested Japanese golfing philosophies, offering a well-rounded approach to golf instruction.
  •  Comprehensive Skill Development: Under Kentaro’s guidance, participants will enhance their skills across all areas of the game, including driving, iron play, short game, and putting.
  • Mentorship and Motivation: Gain inspiration and mentorship from a coach who is dedicated to nurturing young talent and fostering a love for the game of golf.

  •  專業教練石原健太郎指導:由知名高爾夫教練石原健太郎提供頂級指導,擁有豐富的高爾夫 比賽和教學經驗。
  • 英語授課的日本教練:結合傳統日本教學技術,並以英語授課,提供文化豐富且易於理解的 學習體驗。
  • 優秀的教學紀錄:石原健太郎擁有成功指導各級別高爾夫球手的經驗,幫助他們顯著提高技 術水平。
  • 個性化關注:根據每位參加者的技術水平和目標,提供定制化的教學,確保有效的學習和發 展。
  • 先進的訓練方法:結合現代訓練技術和經典的日本高爾夫理念,提供全方位的高爾夫教學方 法。
  • 全面的技術提升:在石原教練的指導下,參加者將在開球、鐵桿、短桿和推桿等所有方面提 高技術。
  • 啟發和動力:從致力於培養年輕人才並激發對高爾夫熱愛的教練那裡獲得啟發和指導。 

Camp Fee

JPY 450,000 per student

Payment Arrangement

Down Payment: A 50% deposit is required upon registration to secure your spot in the camp. Final Payment: The remaining balance is due on the first day of the camp. Detailed Instructions: Further details regarding payment arrangements will be communicated upon registration. 


 每位學生 45 萬日元 

付款安排 訂金:註冊時需支付 50%的訂金以保留名額。 餘款支付:剩餘款項需在訓練營的第一天支付。 詳細指示:關於付款安排的詳細信息將在註冊後進行溝通。


  1. 2024/7/9~12
  2. 2024/8/6~9

Camp Schedule

Provided for reference purposes only. Actual schedule may be subject to change based on course and facility availability, as well as weather conditions.

Day 1: Arrival and Orientation 

  • 10:00 AM: Shuttle from Tokyo
  • 1:00 PM: Arrival and Lunch 
  • 2:30 PM: Group Short Game Session 

Day 2: Intensive Training 

  • 7:00 AM: Group 9 Holes Game with Coach 
  • 2:30 PM: Group Driving Range / Simulator Session 

Day 3: Advanced Skills and Strategy 

  • 7:00 AM: Group 9 Holes Game with Coach
  • 2:30 PM: Group Short Game Session 

Day 4: Final Practice and Departure 

  • 7:00 AM: Group 9 Holes Game with Coach
  • 1:00 PM: Check-out and Packing 
  • 2:30 PM: Shuttle to Tokyo
1 hr individual coaching sessions TBC on-site



  • 10:00 AM: 從東京搭乘接駁車 
  • 1:00 PM: 抵達並午餐 
  • 2:30 PM: 小組短桿訓練課程 


  • 7:00 AM: 教練陪同進行 9 洞比賽 
  • 2:30 PM: 小組練習場/模擬器課程 


  • 7:00 AM: 教練陪同進行 9 洞比賽 
  • 2:30 PM: 小組短桿訓練課程 


7:00 AM: 教練陪同進行 9 洞比賽 
1:00 PM: 退房及乘接駁車往東京

1 小時個人指導課程,現場確認時間 

Requirements for Golf Camp Participants

  1. Age Group: - Participants must be between 10 and 18 years old. 
  2. Language Proficiency: - Lessons will be conducted in English. Participants should have a basic understanding of English to follow instructions. 
  3. Skill Level: - Participants should have an intermediate to advanced level of golfing skills. - Participants should be able to score below 120 in an 18-hole game.
  4. Golf Equipment: - Participants must bring their own golf clubs, including a golf bag. - It is recommended to bring additional golf balls, tees, and other personal golfing accessories. 
  5. Dress Code: - Appropriate golf attire is essential for access to the golf course, including golf shoes with soft spikes, a golf cap, shirts, and golf-appropriate pants or shorts. The golf course reserves the right to refuse entry due to inadequate attire. 
  6. Health and Fitness: - Participants should be in good health and physically fit to endure the demands of golfing for extended periods. - Any medical conditions or allergies should be disclosed upon registration. - If a participant's fitness condition is deemed unsuitable for training, coaches have the right to stop the student from participating based on their professional judgment. 
  7. Behavior and Conduct: - Participants are expected to adhere to the camp rules and guidelines. - Respectful behavior towards coaches, fellow participants, and camp staff is mandatory. 
  8. Insurance: The golf course provides general insurance for its customers. Participants are advised to obtain personal travel insurance tailored to their specific needs, covering sports activities. 
  9. Adult Accompaniment Requirement: - It is mandatory for each golfer under the age of 18 to be accompanied by at least one adult. Accommodation fee is included for the accompanying adult. 
  10. Photography Consent: - The camp organizers have the right to use pictures taken during the camp on their website. Appropriate editing will be applied to ensure faces are not recognizable. 
  11. Travel Arrangements: - Participants must arrange their own travel to and from pick-up point at Tokyo (details to-beconfirmed) for the provided shuttle service to Asagiri Country Club. 


  1. 組別: - 參加者年齡 10 至 18 歲。 
  2. 語言能力: - 課程將以英語進行。參加者需具備基本的英語理解能力以跟隨指導。 
  3. 技術水平: - 參加者應具備中級至高級的高爾夫技能。 - 參加者應能在 18 洞比賽中得分低於 120。 
  4. 高爾夫設備: - 參加者必須自帶高爾夫球杆和球袋。 - 建議攜帶額外的高爾夫球、球座及其他個人高爾夫配件。 
  5. 服裝規定: - 進入高爾夫球場必須穿著適當的高爾夫服裝,包括帶有軟釘的高爾夫鞋、高爾夫帽、 襯衫,以及適合高爾夫的長褲或短褲。高爾夫球場保留因服裝不當而禁止進入球場的權 利。 
  6. 健康與體能: - 參加者應身體健康且具備足夠體能以承受長時間的高爾夫運動。 - 任何醫療狀況或過敏應在註冊時告知。 - 如果教練根據專業判斷認為參加者的體能狀況不適合訓練,有權停止其參加。 
  7. 行為和舉止: - 參加者須遵守場地規則和指南。 - 對教練、其他參加者及營地工作人員保持尊重。 
  8. 保險: - 高爾夫球場為其顧客提供一般保險。建議參加者根據自身需要購買個人旅行保險,以涵蓋 運動活動。 
  9. 成人陪同要求: - 18 歲以下的高爾夫球手必須由至少一名成人陪同。陪同成人的住宿費用已包含在內。
  10. 攝影同意: - 訓練營有權在網站上使用訓練營期間拍攝的照片。照片將進行適當處理以確保人臉不 可辨認。 
  11. 交通安排: - 參加者需自行安排前往東京集合點(詳情待確認)的交通,以乘坐提供的接駁車前往 朝霧鄉村俱樂部。 

Items Not Included in the Camp Fee

  1. Insurance: - Participants must arrange and purchase their own travel insurance covering sports activities.
  2. Golf Equipment: - Personal golf clubs, golf bags, and other golf accessories (e.g., balls, tees, gloves).
  3. Personal Expenses: - Any personal purchases or expenses such as snacks, drinks, souvenirs, and additional services at the resort.
  4. Extra Coaching Sessions: - Optional additional individual coaching sessions not included in the camp package.
  5. Transportation Outside Provided Shuttle: - Travel costs to and from Tokyo for the provided shuttle service.
  6. Optional Activities: - Fees for any optional activities or excursions not listed in the camp schedule.
  7. Additional Meals: - Any drinks, meals or snacks outside the included 4 lunches for camp participants.


  1. 保險: - 參加者需自行安排並購買涵蓋運動活動的旅行保險。
  2. 高爾夫設備: - 個人的高爾夫球杆、球袋及其他高爾夫配件(如高爾夫球、球座、手套)。
  3. 個人開支: - 任何個人購買或開支,如小吃、飲料、紀念品及度假村的其他額外服務。
  4. 額外教學課程: - 營地套餐中不包括的額外個人教學課程。
  5. 提供接駁車服務以外的交通: - 前往東京集合點的旅行費用。
  6. 自選活動: - 任何未列於訓練營時間表中的自選活動費用。
  7. 額外餐飲: - 營地參加者所含的 4 頓午餐以外的任何飲料、餐食或小吃。

Meal arrangement

Our package includes 4 lunches (buffet format) at Asagiri Country Club for participants. All other meals are NOT included. 

Here’s the breakfast and dinner arrangement of the Resort

餐飲安排 我們的費用包括 4 頓參加者在朝霧鄉村俱樂部的自助午餐。其他餐飲不包括在內。

度假村的早餐和晚餐安排如下: 1. 早餐:度假村提供每日早餐,參加者可以自行選擇享用。 2. 午餐:度假村提供自助午餐。 3. 晚餐:度假村內有多種晚餐可供選擇,參加者可根據個人需求預定(須 3 日或 10 日前 預定,將在適當時間聯絡以協助預定)。

Breakfast 早餐
Lunch: Buffet 午餐:自助餐 ¥2970

Dinner: All by Reserve 晚餐:需提前預訂 
Sets require reserve 10 days in advance: 需提前 10 天預訂的套餐:

 FAQs 常見問題 

Q: What occurs in the event of severe weather during the golf camp? 

A: Ensuring the safety of our participants is paramount in the event of severe weather, especially considering our coaching sessions are primarily conducted outdoors. Here are the key points to understand: - The camp package includes 3 rounds of 9 hole sessions, 3 group training, and 1 hour of individual training. To offer participants the best possible golfing experience, the camp schedule will remain flexible based on weather forecasts. - Both Asagiri Country Club and the coach hold the final decision regarding each training session. The golf course will exercise professional judgment on whether the course remains open for use, while the coach will assess the golfers' conditions. Should the training session continue, any forfeited sessions are non-refundable. - We have alternative indoor sessions planned to ensure that participants can still benefit from the camp experience even during inclement weather. In such cases, we will provide a refund for the difference in facility usage fees. - If rescheduling isn't feasible, refunds will be provided for the facility usage fees and any lost coaching hours for the affected sessions, depending on the circumstances. 


答:在惡劣天氣情況下,確保參加者的安全至關重要,特別是考慮到我們的教練課程主要在室 外進行。以下是了解的關鍵要點: - 訓練營套餐包括 3 輪 9 洞賽事、3 次團體訓練和 1 小時的個別訓練。為了為參加者提供最佳 的高爾夫體驗,訓練營時間表將根據天氣預報保持靈活。 - 朝霧鄉村俱樂部和教練將就每個訓練課程做出最終決定。高爾夫球場將根據專業判斷決定球 場是否仍然對外開放,而教練將評估高爾夫球手的狀況。如果訓練課程繼續進行,任何放棄的 課程將不予退款。 - 我們計劃了替代的室內課程,以確保參加者即使在惡劣天氣下仍然可以受益於訓練營體驗。 在這種情況下,我們將為設施使用費的差額提供退款。 - 如果無法重新安排,將根據情況為受影響的課程提供設施使用費和任何失去的教練時間的退款。 

Q: Can parents accompany their children during the camp? 

A: At least one adult is mandatory to stay with their kids throughout the golf camp. Parents are welcome to watch the training sessions. However, parents are not allowed to follow the group during the 9 hole games due to course restrictions and insurance policies. 


答:在高爾夫訓練營期間,至少需要一名成人陪同他們的孩子。歡迎家長觀看訓練課程。但是 由於球場限制和保險政策,家長不允許在 9 洞比賽期間跟隨小組。 

Q: What are the room arrangements for participants? 

A. Each student will be provided a separate twin room, which means only one additional adult can stay in the room (fees included in the package). The fee for the extra room is not included in the camp package and must be covered separately. Thus if more than one adult is accompanying the participant, an extra room will be required. Please let us know, and we can assist with the booking. All expenses for the extra room are not included in our package and room availability depends on the hotel. 


答:每位參加者將提供一間獨立的雙人房,這意味著每間房只能額外容納一名成人(費用包含 在套餐中)。 額外房間的費用不包括在訓練營套餐中,必須另外支付。因此,如果有多於一名成人陪同,將 需要預定額外的房間。請告知我們,我們可以協助預定。額外房間的所有費用均不包括在我們 的套餐中,空房情況取決於酒店。 

Q: What is the policy for parents using the resort facilities? 

A: Parents will be seen as normal customers at the resort. Any use of the golf course, meal, or other resort facilities, as well as any expenses incurred, are not included in the camp package and must be covered by the parents themselves. 


答:家長將被視為度假村的普通顧客。任何對高爾夫球場、餐飲或其他度假村設施的使用,以 及產生的任何費用,均不包括在訓練營套餐中,必須由家長自行支付。 

Q: What are the guidelines and arrangement for rest time? 

A: Other than the scheduled program, golfers are expected to take rest to remain physically fit and endure the demands of golf training. However, parents are free to arrange additional activities for their children during these rest periods. The camp has no responsibility regarding the time other than training session. 


答:除了預定的活動之外,我們期望高爾夫球手在休息時間保持身體健康,以應付高爾夫訓練 的要求。然而,在這些休息時間,家長可以自由安排額外的活動給他們的孩子。訓練營對於除 訓練課程以外的時間不承擔任何責任。

Q. Any dress code and behaviour requirement at Asagiri Country Club? 

A. Golf Clubs in Japan generally require a high standard in dress code and behaviour. Dress Code: Golf Course and Clubhouse: Golfers: Appropriate golf attire is required. This includes collared shirts, golf trousers or shorts, and golf shoes. Non-Golfers: Casual but neat attire is acceptable in the clubhouse and other facilities. Avoid overly casual clothes such as jeans, beachwear or other athletic gear. Hotel: Casual and comfortable clothing is appropriate. Ensure you are dressed appropriately for the dining areas and other public spaces. Behavior: Respect for Facilities: Treat the facilities and equipment with care. Avoid causing damage or leaving litter. Quiet and Conduct: Maintain a quiet and respectful demeanor, especially in shared spaces like the clubhouse and hotel. Avoid loud conversations and disruptive behavior. Respect for Others: Be considerate of other guests and staff. Follow the instructions provided by the club and hotel staff. 


答:日本的高爾夫俱樂部通常對服裝規定和行為要求有較高的標準。 服裝規定: 高爾夫球場和俱樂部會所: 高爾夫球手:需要適當的高爾夫球服裝。這包括有領襯衫、高爾夫褲或短褲,以及高 爾夫鞋。 非高爾夫球手:俱樂部會所和其他設施中可接受休閒但整潔的服裝。請避免過於休閒 的服裝,如牛仔褲、沙灘服或其他運動裝備。 酒店: 休閒舒適的服裝是可以的。請確保您穿著適合用餐區和其他公共空間的服裝。 行為規範: 對設施尊重:請謹慎對待設施和設備。避免造成損壞或留下垃圾。 安靜和行為: 保持安靜和尊重的態度,特別是在俱樂部會所和酒店等共享空間。避免大聲談話和擾亂行為。 對他人的尊重: 考慮到其他客人和工作人員的感受。請遵守俱樂部和酒店工作人員提供的指示。

Q: What are the safety and responsibility guidelines? 

A: Other than the scheduled training program, participants are seen as normal customers of the golf resort and there are no restrictions on leaving the resort. Parents must take full responsibility to ensure their children follow proper conduct and behavior and maintain safety during the camp. 


答:除了預定的訓練計劃之外,參加者被視為高爾夫度假村的普通顧客,並沒有離開度假村的 限制。家長必須全面負責,確保他們的孩子遵守適當的行為準則和規定,在訓練營期間保持安 全。 

Q: What if I have my own arrangements for accommodation, transportation and meals? 

A: The package includes everything mentioned, including accommodation, transportation and lunches. Any forfeiting of these services is non-refundable. 


答:訓練營套餐包括所有提到的項目,包括住宿、交通和午餐。任何放棄這些服務都是不可退 款的。

<Contact Information 聯繫資訊>

 For further inquiries, please Whatsapp 92353092 (English and Chinese). 

如有進一步查詢,請 WhatsApp 至 92353092(英文和中文)。

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